Church Plant Interest

Also: Ask your wife to subscribe!

Hello Maury Men,

Last Thursday night we had a wonderful time of fellowship at the Holcomb’s. As always, we are grateful for their generosity in the use of their home.

It was brought up that several folks are either not on the email list or the Signal. If you know someone who is not on the list or Signal and would like to be, forward them this email. The Signal link as at the bottom. Also, please ask your wife to subscribe to this email list so she can be stay up-to-date as well!

The Maury Men heard from several members of the Parish Presbyterian Church church planting committee about the potential for a church plant sponsored by Parish and what would be involved. They confirmed that Parish will be seeking to plant a church after the current building project is complete. However, there is no official timeline or location chosen for the church plant. In light of this, they asked that we gauge interest from various heads of household in the Maury County and surrounding area. Please fill out this form to express your interest and commitment:

We will be discussing our commitments and what is involved in a church plant at the next Thursday Men’s Gathering.

Please forward this email and share this link with anyone else you know who may be interested.

If you have questions or just want to get more updates feel free to check out our Signal chat.

In Christ,

– Jonathan


  • January 31 - Every Wednesday, 6:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study in Matthew at the Kafoure Home.

  • February 4 - Every 1st and 3rd Sunday after worship services - Farm Fellowship at the Holcomb Farm. Bring some food to share.

  • Tentative: February 15 - Monthly Men’s Gathering at the Holcomb Farm. 5:30 PM BYOB + side dish to share.

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