Men's Discipleship and Dance

+ No Men's Bible Study

Hello Maury Men,

No Men’s Bible Study tomorrow.

We meet on Thursday for our time of men’s discipleship. See notes from Connor below. This will be at Southern Ridge Farm.

On Friday, my wife and I are hosting a dance at Southern Ridge Farm to raise money for Jerlene Cannon’s procedure and hospital stay. See notes below.

Men’s Discipleship Notes

From Connor:

Homework is to read/listen to the Introduction (optional) & Chapter 1: The Myth of Neutrality (available in audiobook on the Canon+ app).

Chapter 1 Keystone Verse: Matthew 12:13 "He who is not with me is against me."

Here are the discussion questions from the end of the chapter:

1. What is apologetics? Define the term and explain the derivation?
2. What is the central point of the first chapter?
3. How is the very principal of Evolutionism (even apart from the scientific, biological statement of evolutionary theory) opposed to the Christian faith?
4. What is deconstructionism? Where did this philosophy first arise? How does it conflict with basic principles of the Christian faith?
5. List some passages from Scripture that assert the certainty and authority of God's word?
6. How does the unbelieving college professor's worldview subtly confront your faith, even when the professor is not directly mentioning Christianity, per se?
7. What is the meaning of "the myth of neutrality"?
8. What statements by Christ discount the possibility of neutrality?
9. Where in Scripture do you first see neutrality regarding God and His word attempted?
10. Is the attempted neutrality simply a methodological issue, or is it a moral one as well? Explain.

Encouraging others to come prepared/eager to discuss the questions above & insightfully apply the chapter's teaching for one another's edification is the goal of getting together.

Dancing at Southern Ridge Farm

If you and your wife like to dance, then here is a way you can come support the Cannons as they care for Jerlene. We will be doing swing dancing, some line dancing, and some Scottish country dancing. No experience required. It will be Friday April 26 (May 3 rain date), is for ages 13+, $15/person or $25/couple, $5 student discount. Gates open at 6:00 PM. Please RSVP here as we have limited space:

You can also directly support the Cannons by purchasing locally raised beef, pork, and other goods from their butcher shop. They are usually open 10-4 on Friday and Saturday but check their social media for the most up-to-date information. There is also a GoFundMe to support them:

In Christ,

– Jonathan


This Week:
  • Canceled Wednesday, April 24 - Men’s Bible Study through the book of Matthew at the Kafoure Home. Every Wednesday, 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM.

  • Thursday, April 25 - Men’s Discipleship and Training at the Cannon Farm. Every Thursday, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM.

  • Friday, April 26 - Dancing at Southern Ridge Farm. Ages 13+, $15/person or $25/couple, $5 student discount. Gates open at 6:00 PM. RSVP here:

  • Sunday, May 6 - Farm Fellowship at the Holcomb Farm. Bring some food to share. Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM.

  • Wednesday, May 8 - Evening Prayer at the George Home. Light refreshments provided. Every 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM.

  • Thursday, May 16 - Men’s Gathering at the Holcomb Farm. Every Third Thursday at 5:30 PM, BYOB + side dish to share.

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