Thursday Men's Group

+ Men's Bible Study

Hello Maury Men,

This Thursday we will have our monthly men’s gathering at Hawk Holcomb’s home. Keep an eye on the Signal chat for updates about what to bring.

We are also continuing in our study of Matthew tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM at Solomon’s home.

General Updates

  • If you would like to join our Bible reading accountability group text, please email Ben Scoones at: [email protected]

  • Josh Scheenstra is our current point of contact for Care Portal and will be sending out needs to all who sign up. Please contact him at [email protected] to get your name on the list.


  • October 25 - Wednesdays, 6:00 AM - Men’s Bible Study at the Kafoure Home.

  • October 26 - Monthly Maury Men’s Meeting at the Holcomb Farm, 5:30 PM - Bring a side dish/dessert to share and your drink of choice.

  • October 27 - Fridays 7:00 AM - Columbia for Christ book study in Lectures on Calvinism and The Confessional County. Meets at Cabin Coffee in Columbia.

  • November 5 - 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month - Farm Fellowship (a Parish Homegroup) at the Holcomb Farm after morning services. All welcome. Bring food to share.

In Christ,

– Jonathan

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